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Writer's pictureWendy Danielson

Solberg Lake Summer Level

Solberg Lake Association,

Please see the attached notice from Price Couty Dam Superintedent David Kempen

At the time of this email the Price County Dam Superintendent David Kempen has been instructed to remove planks from the Solberg dam by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as a result of the lack of rain due to the potential harm to fish downstream of the dam. This is a change in policy to previous years of inflow equaling outflow once the lake was brought to the normal lake level. David has questioned the change in policy but at this time he has has to follow the direction provided by fish biologist Jeff Schierer of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

If you have concerns please contact me to streamline communication between the lake association and David. Also please know that Davis is simply doing what he is directed to do, he doesn't have a say in any of this. Based on my conversation with him I believe that he wants to keep the watehr in the lake and has done what is within his ability to bring resolution to this matter before directing any water downstream but at this time he has no choice but to do what has been instructed by Jeff from the DNR.

David and I will continue to be in contact and use all resources we have at our disposal to bring resolution to this issue as soon as possible. Until that time we can resolve this you will begin to see the lake level drop faster than normal especially if we don't get rain soon. If you are on the water be aware of hazards that may not have been there in the past and consider removing your boats from lifts as the water level could make it impossible to get them off the lifts until we get enough rain to refill the lake.

Thank you for your understand in the matter and your patience as we work through this matter,

Jeremy Sperl

Solberg Lake Association President


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